TSuperGrid Version 1.3 - by Pablo Pissanetzky - pablo@neosoft.com

Version 1.3 fixed a number of drawing bugs.
Also, all files were renamed to prevent conflicts with the installation
of other component libraries.
Version 1.3 includes 16 and 32 bit versions of TSuperGrid.


The TSuperGridT Component is an enhanced TStringGrid. It allows you to 
change the way a string grid looks in a What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get 
manner. With TSuperGrid, you can have a grid populated with data and 
formatted at design time, without writing a single line of code. 
You can also easily change any of its many properties at run time.

It adds a single property to TStringGrid, called Columns.  
The Columns property allows you to change virtually all aspects of 
the string grid at design time with a Windows 95 style, user friendly 
property editor as well as at run time. 
With Columns you can do the following:

* Give each column a multi line title.
* Align each column's title to the left, right or centered.
* Dynamically change the width of each column by typing a new 
  value or using a slider.
* Give each column title its own background color.
* Specify a different font for each column title, change the 
  style, size, and color of the font.
* Specify how to clip each cell. If the text does not fit in a 
  cell, TSuperGridT can either clip it, add an ellipsis, or 
  wrap the words for multiple lines of  text in each cell.
* Align the contents of each row to the left, right or centered.
* Specify a background color for the contents of each row.
* Specify a font ( style, size and color ) for the contents 
  of each row.
* Dynamically change the height of any row by typing a new value 
  or using a slider.
* Give even and/or odd rows their own background color.
* Specify a comma-delimited file to populate the grid, 
  create and edit the file at design time. 
  You can specify whether to strip leading and trailing blanks 
  from each item in the file, and whether the grid should add 
  rows to accomodate all the lines in the data file.
* New for Version 1.2! You can load bitmaps, icons or windows meta
  files into each cell of TSuperGrid at design time or run time.

The property editor has an Apply button that allows you to see 
all the changes you make instantly take effect on the grid. 
If you specify a data file, the file will be loaded into the 
grid when you press the Apply button.

TSuperGrid also adds an event to TStringGrid that allows you 
to override any color, or font choices that you made at design 
time, and specify new values for each cell.

Note: If you have a previous version of TSuperGrid, it is recommended
that you delete all the old files and reinstall TSuperGrid 1.3 with the
new files.

Unzip the file super13.zip. 
This will create the following files:
 1) Super.HLP
 2) Super.KWF
 3) Super13.TXT
 4) SuperBug.TXT
 5) 16bit\RzCommon.DCU
 6) 16bit\RzTrkbar.DCU
 7) 16bit\RzTrkbar.RES
 8) 16bit\SuperCol.DCU
 9) 16bit\SuperDlg.DCU
10) 16bit\SuperDlg.DFM
11) 16bit\SuperGrd.DCU
12) 16bit\SuperReg.DCU
13) 16bit\SuperReg.DCR
14) 32bit\RzCommon.DCU
15) 32bit\RzTrkbar.DCU
16) 32bit\RzTBar32.RES
17) 32bit\SuperCol.DCU
18) 32bit\SuperDlg.DCU
19) 32bit\SuperDlg.DFM
20) 32bit\SuperGrd.DCU
21) 32bit\Super32.DCU
22) 32bit\Super32.DCR

The following instructions refer to Delphi 1.0 menus, the procedure
is basicaly the same for Delphi 2.0

 1.Copy Super.HLP to a directory in your path, such as the 
   Windows directory, or the Delphi\Bin directory.
 2.Copy Super.KWF to the Delphi\Help directory.
 3.Run Helpinst.EXE, this program is located in the Delphi\Help 
 4.Select File | Open to open Delphi.HDX, which is located in 
   your Delphi\Bin directory.
 5.Click on the green plus sign, to add the Super.KWF file.
 6.Once you added the file, select File | Save to compile and 
   save the Delphi.HDX file.
 7.Run Delphi and select Options | Install Components.
 8.Click on the Add button, and then Browse.
 9.Change the List Files Of Type box to show all *.DCU files.
10.Navigate to the directory where you unzipped the original 
   files and double click on the following file:

   For Delphi 1.0, select SuperReg.DCU
   For Delphi 2.0, select Super32.DCU

11.Back at the Install Components dialog, click on OK.
12.After Delphi is done building the component library and the 
   component palette is updated, you will see TSuperGrid as the 
   last component in the Additional page looking like a 
   TStringGrid, and bearing the 'Super' brand.
13.Congratulations! TSuperGrid is now installed.
14.To view the documentation, click on the TSuperGrid component 
   and press F1.


TSuperGrid Version 1.3 - by Pablo Pissanetzky - pablo@neosoft.com