TProgress - A TGauge that gradients  

TProgress shows you the progress percentage like Go!Zilla (Progress that

TProgress gradients (transforms one color to another) as its Progress property
comes close to 100.

Properties :
BackColor = TColor    :   Specifies the Background color of the VCL
BorderColor = TColor  :   Specifies the Border color of the VCL
FromColor = TColor    :   The color to be transformed from
ToColor = TColor      :   The color to be transformed into
Progress = integer    :   Indicates the progress in percentage (cannot be
			  higher than 100)
Text = string         :   The TProgress VCL doesn't show the progress in
                          numbers by itself. Instead, you can change the
                          Text property manually to make the VCL show everything
                          you'd like
TextFont = TFont      :   The Font that TProgress will use to display the Text

Events :

No special Events.

Methods :

No special Methods.

Installation :
1> Copy progress.pas and progress.dcr to the same directory
2> Run Delphi
3> Click on Component|Install|Add|Browse
4> Browse to the directory
5> Choose progress.pas

Bugs :
Please report to

Thanks :
I'm sorry, but I wrote this program a year ago (I just didn't have the motivation
to create this stupid UPL file, sorry DSP !) and 2 people from a newsgroup helped
me. I just don't remember their names, and I've changed my Email program since
then....... I'm sorry, I cannot credit these people. But.... if you happendly
find this VCL as something you've helped somebody to do it, you are invited to
send me email so I can credit you in the next version. Thanks in advance people.

Oh, and another thing. Because I did this VCL a year ago, I had very bad 
programming manners, so this sourcecode looks like Sh!t (sorry folks).
I'm much better now.