Yearcal V1.2


                  (c) Copyright 1997 Droid Informatica ltda
                           Rio de Janeiro - Brazil

    This component displays a whole year's calendar, with date selection,
setable number of columns, colors, font, distance between days and months...

If you want the source code for yearcal, you'll find a purchase order form
on our home-page at

The source code costs only $15.00.
Please, visit our home-page to see our products.

Files in
   yearcal.txt     -> this file
   yearcal.doc     -> body of TDRYearCal component

   d1\yearcal.dcr  -> resource file for Delphi 1
   d1\yearcal.dcu  -> compiled unit for Delphi 1

   d2\yearcal.dcr  -> resource file for Delphi 2
   d2\yearcal.dcu  -> compiled unit for Delphi 2

   d3\yearcal.dcr  -> resource file for Delphi 3
   d3\yearcal.dcu  -> compiled unit for Delphi 3

   Note: demo directory contains the demo program for the

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fax       : 055 021 224-0331