ESBCalc™ v1.3

by ESB Consultancy (Glenn Crouch)

(c) 1998-1999 ESB Consultancy
PO Box 2259
Boulder WA 6432

This is a small Scientific Calculator that supports full precedence.
Currently it does not support Exponential Notation, but does include
a number of functions, Clipboard Support, History of results and more.

A standalone Executable is included. The Source Directory is the Delphi 4
source code.

Notes on the Calculator

1. The Calculator uses a standard Win95 ToolWindow - right clicking on the
caption will give you the option to minimise it.

2. Results are only entered into the History List when the "=" button is
pressed. Only the last 10 items are remembered and these are stored in the
registry. There is also the option in the History list to clear previous

3. 10^x can be calculated using INV and LOG buttons, or by entering 10
and then using the x^y button.

4. e^x can be calculated using INV and LN buttons, or by pressing the
"e" button and then using the x^y button

5. x^1/y (i.e. the y-th root of x) can be calculated using INV and x^y

6. Inverse exist for all the Trigonometric functions by using the INV
button than one of SIN, COS or TAN buttons.

7. The Radian/Degree toggle, the number of decimal places and the contents
of Memory are saved to the Registry.

8. Using the Thousand's separator is on by default - use the option button
next to the Memory display to change this. Copying and pasting results
with Thousand's separators may upset some edit fields.

9. Decimal Point and Thousand's separator should be displayed in what ever
character the Regional Settings of your MS Windows 95/98/NT is setup for. If
you expect to see a ',' for a decimal point but don't then you may still
have US (or something similar) settings.

10. ESBCalc executable is now ASPack'ed. If you rebuild the executable it
will be much larger than the one supplied. Get a copy of ASPack from:

It's free for non-commercial use and only $29 to register for commercial
use. We are registered users.

Known Problems

1. Due to the lack of support for Scientific Notation, ESBCalc does sometimes
cause "funny" things to happen when number get too large.

Notes on Source

ESBCalc uses the new features of Delphi 4 (Dynamic Arrays).
The user interface is made up almost entirely of LMD Tools 4

To recompile the source you need:

- Delphi 4 Professional or C/S (as the Math Unit is used)
- LMD Tools 4

A Trial version of LMDTools 4 is available from:


Developers are free to use the code as you see fit, however an Email or
Postcard would be nice, as would a reference to our web site included on
our web site or in your docs. Though none of this is obligatory.

You are, however, specifically prohibited from charging, or requesting
donations, for any copies of this program as it stands; if you wish to
include it on a CD that is sold at a reasonable price please notify us
of your intent by email - we normally are happy to grant permission.

ESB Consultancy makes no guarantees regarding the capabilities
nor the "Safeness" of this code. It is free after all, so you take
all the risks :-)

ESB Consultancy makes no promise of support for this code, however we
are happy to receive Email comments


There is a support Mailing List available to all. Details on our
Web Site or check out the Site direct:


1.3 5 April 1999
    - Added Percentage Operator
    - Added Exit & Minimize to Option Button
    - Fixed up some of the Hints

1.2.1 12 March 1999
    - Minor updates to ASPACK and LMD Tools
    - Updated details in the About Box
1.2 2 February 1999
    - Added Option Button Next to Memory at the bottom
    - Added Option to display thousands separator - on by Default
    - Exe now ASPacked
    - Source now uses a LMDHideNonVC to make the form a little more

1.1 14 January 1999
    - Fixed problem with flickering Hints
    - Added 10 Most Recent results (i.e. when equals was pressed)

1.0.2 5 January
    - Added Radians/Degrees Toggle button so that Trig Functions
	   can be done in either Radians or Degrees.
    - Radians/Degrees Toggle state saved to Registry
    - Number of Decimal places saved to Registry
    - Memory now saved to Registry

    - Added "Backspace"
    - Changed the Maximum number of Decimals to 18.
    - About Box added.
    - Improved Exception Handling.

1.0 2 Dec 1998
	- Initial Release


ESBPDF™ Analysis

Provides everything needed for using Discrete & Continuous Probability
Distributions in a single application. Most Tables and supplied functions
(such as in MS Excel) give P(X <= A) and using algebra other results can
be found whereas ESB PDF Analysis handles all the Probability combinations
for you.

Features include: Binomial, Poisson, Normal, Exponential, Student t, Chi
Squared and F Distributions; Inverses of the Normal, Student t, Chi Squared
and F Distributions; Lists of Binomial Coefficients, Factorials, 
Permutations; Fully Customisable; Integrated Help System which includes 
a Tutorial.

We also plan on adding many more Distributions and features. Ideal for the
Maths/Stats Student who wishes to understand Probability Distributions
better, as well as the Maths Buff who wants a well designed calculating

Fully Functional Trial version available from our web site.


- Single, Dual (paired and unpaired) and Multiple Data Analysis.
- Data can be either for Sample or Population
- Data can be Time Based
- Data can be entered as Raw Data; Grouped Data; or as Summary Data
- Raw Data can be converted into Grouped Data
- Raw Data can have in-built Transformations applied to them
- Raw Data can have Custom defined Transformations applied to them
- Raw Data can have Random values meeting user defined criteria
- Data can be fully documented and stored in DataLists
- Standardisation of Data around given mean/standard deviation
- DataLists are grouped together in Workbooks - one Workbook is opened at 
  a time and can contain many DataLists
- ESB Statistical Workbooks (.esw) are Compound Documents like MS Word
  Documents and MS Excel Spreadsheets, thus they support the same properties 
  in Explorer.
- Sample Size calculations
- Random Sampling Lists
- Statistical Summary including: mean, median, mode, variance, standard 
  deviation, kurtosis, skew, etc.
- Comparison of Statistics for Raw and Grouped of the same Data.
- Graphs and Charts including: Histograms, Line Graphs, Pie Graphs, 
  Ogives, Scatter Diagrams, etc
- Inference and Hypothesis Analysis of a Single Population - including the 
  Mean, the Variance and Proportions.
- Inference and Hypothesis Analysis of Two Populations - including Difference 
  of the Mean, Ratio of the Variance, Difference of Proportions.
- Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
- Analysis of Contingency Tables
- Nonparametric Statistics such as Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test
- Linear Regression with Transformations of the dependent variable
- Multiple Regression with Transformations of the dependent variables 
- Custom defined Transformations for Dual Data and Multiple Data Analysis
- Moving Averages
- Trend Analysis of Time Series Data
- Curve Fitting - calculation of polynomials and splines
- Data Import and Export to Text, Comma Delimited and Tab Delimited
- Data Import and Export to Excel
- Data Import and Export to DBF
- Data Import and Export to WKS
- Data Input and Export via ODBC to Databases such as MS Access, 
  SQL Server and Oracle
- Saving of Charts and Graphs to BMP, WMF, EMF and JPG
- Saving of Summaries to RTF
- Sophisticated Reporting with Previewing
- HTML Output for integration into your Website
- Integrated Scientific Calculator also available as standalone
- Documentation Fields include Live Spell Checking like in MS Word
- Spell Checking and Thesaurus available on all Edit Fields
- Fully customisable interface
- Fully Integrated Help System
- On-line Tutorial

Available in 3 Editions: Lite, Standard and Professional


Collection of misc Delphi 32 Routines covering Strings, Block
Manipulation, Conversions, Bit Lists and more. Freeware. Includes
full Source and Help File.


Collection of Maths and Stats Routines for Delphi 32. Freeware.
Includes full Source and Help File.


Collection of Date/Time Routines for Delphi 3 and 4 that supplement those
supplied with SysUtils. Freeware. Full Source and Help File.

ESB Consultancy