MSDETinyAdmin - Release Notes

Microsoft did not distribute any administration-tool with
the "Microsoft SQL-Server Desktop Edition". So you have to
choose the "Enterprise Manager" or "Access" to have control
over your MSDE-Database.

MSDETinyAdmin is a small an stand-alone tools to do some
administration with SQL-Servers:

- create/delete server-groups
- create/delete server-registrations
- attache database
- delete database
- backup database to file
- restore database from file
- show database-infos

MSDETinyAdmin is full compatible with the "Enterprise Manager".
So e.g. if you register a Server you can see this registration
in a Enterprise Manager, too.

This is the first release (v0.9) of MSDETinyAdmin and it's 
currently freeware ! We will change this in the final v1.0 release
to a shareware license.

We plan to implemnet a lot of more functions into MSDETinyAdmin
in further versions. Please give us your response about what
features you need. So we can see what is needed by the user
of MSDETinyAdmin.

Planed features:
- create/modify tables
- create/modify indeces
- backup/restore from tape
- execute sql-statements against the database
- more languages (currently german and english)
- ...

MSDETinyAdmin is tested with SQL-Server 2000 but should work with
SQL-Server 7, too. It's based on the SQL-Server DMO, so DMO has
to be registered on your system (refer to the SQL-Server help).

Please contact us for questions and bug-reports:


Copyright © 1999-2001 SBH GmbH, Karlsruhe, Germany
All rights reserved.