Credits & Acknowledgments
this is a preliminary version
1st step: Loglan'77
In 1977 A. Salwicki aided by Tomasz Müldner, Hanna Oktaba, Wieslawa
Ratajczak initiated a research on the feasability of a universal programming
language which was to go beyond the Simula'67 and to enable new features:
processes, inheritance from unequal levels, inheritance in procedures,
fuctions etc..
The report on the language was ready in 1978. It helped us to
sign a contract with polish computer industry (We thank A. Janicki once the
deputy director of the Mera trust for his enthousiastic support.)
Our next
success was the arrival of prof. Antoni Kreczmar as the leader of the compiler
In October 1978 the Loglan group started its work. The compiler group
headed by A. Kreczmar included also: W. Nykowski, Marek Lao, Andrzej I.
Litwiniuk, Danuta Szczepanska-Wasersztrum, Pawel Gburzynski.
We had to install, repair* (* means iterations) the Mera 400 computers,
develop its poor software environment. This task was accomplished by Pawel
Gburzynski and Piotr Findeisen) . They did a lot of things:the file system and
other extensions of the operating system of Mera 400, the assembler Gass, the editor
EDM, ...
The only programming language installed then on Mera was Fortran; we had no
choice, our compiler group had to write the compiler of Loglan in Fortran.
And it works efficiently till today!
The compiler group was encouraged by the analysis and application group
including Lech Banachowski, Hanna Oktaba, Tomasz Müldner, Wieslawa
Ratajczak-Bartol, Andrzej Salwicki, Lucjan Stapp and others.
Our main question was the following: is it possible at all? does it exist a way to execute in a
consistent way programs that accept inheritance and nesting, inheritance
which permits to inherit from a different level ?
Other important problems were: is it possible to maintain the Dijkstra's
mechanism of update of the Display Vector? is it posible to do deallocation of
an object in a safe way, without dangling references? Is it possible to give a
simpler but equally powerful mechanism of coroutines to that of Simula'67?
And many other questions.
It was Antoni Kreczmar who found the answers to the basic questions [ ].
Moreover, he wrote the kernel of the executing system for Loglan - the
Running System (1979).
W.Nykowski wrote the scanner and the parser.
Andrzej I. Litwiniuk wrote the code generator using many novel ideas.
Danuta Szczepanska did static semantic module.
The late Marek Lao did the module that checks the compatibility of types, using his own results.
After different adventures the first version of the Loglan compiler became
operational in December 1981.
Everybody worked with the enthousiasm testing, debugging, extending our
In June 1982 Danuta Szczepanska in cooperation with A. Kreczmar added
the mechanism of exception handling.
The Loglan system was ready. In comparison with the report of the language
it lacked of separate compilation (and it still lacks of this mechanism) and
A. Salwicki did a prothese implementing processes as coroutines. But it never
became popular. Happily in 1988 Bolek Ciesielski did a superb contribution:
his concept of procedure calls as the synchronisation mechanism deserves
attention.[ ]
The industrial partner accepted our work in June 1982. There was no
continuation however.
1983 Loglan's summer school in Zaborow and Hans Langmaack's contribution
1984 P. Gburzynski and A. I. Litwiniuk port the Loglan to Siemens komputer
(a clone of IBM mainframe - have you ever heard of these jurassic
mainframes my dear?)
A. Szalas presented his Ph.D. thesis ..
1984 an interactive debugger was added to the Loglan system by Teresa
1984 Radziejowice french-polish meeting on formal methods of programs
theory and object tools of programming
1985 a longlife and successful cooperation with CNR IASI Rome begins. In
cooperation with, Gianna Cioni, Alfonso Miola and others (Giorgio Ausiello)<
The results of the cooperation are numerous: here we shall quote only the the
installation of Loglan on VAX/VMS, debugger, report
U. Petermann
1986 the members of Loglan team were distinguished by the first price
1986-90. A multi-goal and multi-university project was launched. Among 27
teams there were 4 using or developping Loglan.
The results:
M. Warpechowski
Loglan book by A. Szalas and J.Warpechowska appeared in
A proposal for the new standard of Loglan in LNCS
porting to Unix environment
A step toward it was made by Marcin Benke and Grzegorz who translated
GEN part of Loglan's system.
It was Pawel Susicki who ported Loglan to Xenix using the hints of A.
Salwicki. It turned out that using f2c crosscompiler we are able to create
Loglan compiler in the Unix environment without using a Fortran compiler.
In the summer 1991 Pawel Susicki installed Loglan on several Unix
computers accesible to LITA: PC486/SCO Unix, HP900, Sun4 with SunOS
(thanks to O. Rafiq for leasing us the Sun during August 1991).
In 1992 Pawel Susicki wrote a support for processes distributed in network of
(hetergeneous) Unix machines. He had no chance to debug it however.
Sebastien Bernard ported Loglan to the Atari.
1993. Eric Becourt and Jerome Larrieu did a new version of predefined class
Xiiuwgraf for the users of Unix.
A. Salwicki prepared a distribution packet of
Loglan and put it in the server infpc1 of anonymous FTP users.
1994. Frederic Pataud made a new better version of predefined class
IIuwgraph for users of Dos 386/486 machines.
Eric Becourt did Logpp - now you can #include
November 1995
Oskar Swida made a network version of Loglan.
For a moment it was a network of SUNs equipped with Solaris.
April 1996 (Oskar Swida)
A network of DOS machines equipped with LANWORKPLACE aor NETWARE
constitutes a virtual, multiprocessor, network Loglan machine.
see also:
AS 12:12 02/02/1995