this is the text file that comes with "subrace.jpg" and
subracpi.arj which is the polyray scene with just one
submarine in it (the scene is already so big).
The final image was traced at 29-12-94 by Wiek Luijken

This image has been produced for the competition which has
"games" as a theme.
Instead of using a standard subject like a pool-table or
a chessboard, I wanted to make something different.
The result is something that is hard for some people
to understand at first. It represents a submarine-race
in the near future. The image showed here is a picture
of the start of the race. There are three sub's of the 
formula 2000 class visible as are some camera-droids.
On the background there are some parts of an underwater
base visible. Also there is a flag which represents the 
start of this endurance race.
I know it's somewhat strange, but at least it's not the
standard crap that used to be created in raytraced

The tools I used to create this image are:
- GUM (0.89 registered version, you should all buy it, 
it's great, it's fantastic, it's brilliant, it's even 
better, it's getting better than 3D-STUDIO and Lex
(the creator of GUM) is a friend of mine)
- Polyray 1.7, which I used for raytracing. It's
a very fast raytracer, but has some problems with Unions.

The whole project took me about a month modelling time
and rendering-time. The final image at 1200*900 took 3
hours on a dx2-50.
The scene is big, the biggest I ever created. That's why I
didn't raytrace the picture in one go. I traced the picture 
with one submarine and used this as a background for another
scene with just one submarine and repeated this again.
This was done to keep the tracing time managable in case something
went wrong. The lights were a different story altogether. I tried
to make them glow like they do now, using the formulas in the
polyray example file "spot1.pi" but that took ages to raytrace.
So the only solution was to use aldus photostyler and airbrush them
by hand. I'm still trying to do it the right way, but it's difficult
because the lights don't have ranges(like in 3d-studio)
and keep shining on and on. The result of this is that everything
makes shadows and is bright as the sun.

My e-mail adress is
I'm always willing to have a nice e-mail conversation or
answer some questions, or get some work. Even better, give
me lot's of money so I can buy a Pentium !!!
Please give me suggestions!!!!!!! It's not a lot of work to send a
e-mail !!!

My adress is :
Kloosterkade 208
2628 JJ Delft
The Netherlands
tel: 015-624142