Mail Thread Index
- siag: can't resolve symbol '__register_frame_info',
Constantin Teodorescu
- Error messages from attemting to install (t)siag,
James Ramsey
- Attempt to install (t)siag clobbered my fvwm95,
James Ramsey
- Estimados senores,
- Mailing list archive,
Ulric Eriksson
- Web Site Analysis - FREE,
- Siag 3.0.3,
Ulric Eriksson
- Siag 3.0.4,
Ulric Eriksson
- Siag Office,
Alec V. Ananchenko
- regarding your web site,
- Siag Office acting funky--especially the blocks,
James Ramsey
- Re: me, too,
Ulric Eriksson
- Re: Siag pw egon,
Ulric Eriksson
- First version of KDE Siag available.,
Ulric Eriksson
- KSiag compile fix available,
- KSiag compile fix,
- Idea on how to implement named ranges in Siag,
James Ramsey
- Fwd: KSiag is *alpha* code,
- Re: . . . named ranges in Siag--Further clarification,
James Ramsey
- Leaving mailing list before I put my foot in my mouth again,
James Ramsey
- Siag 3.0.6,
Ulric Eriksson
- Okay, I guess I'll come back,
James Ramsey
- jjramsey idea,
Scott Wedel
- Siag 3.0.6 installation woes,
James Ramsey
- SIAG on an Alpha machine,
Brian E.W. Wood
- Rethinking jjramsey idea,
James Ramsey
- Feedback on Cut, Copy, and Paste in Siag,
James Ramsey
- regarding your site,
- KSiag Beta1 for KDE1.0 available,
- Siag CVS server,
Ulric Eriksson
- Software Special Prices !!!!,
- Hey, press coverage! ;-),
Ulric Eriksson
Ronald Schoenmakers
- Does Direct E-mail Work?????,
4hitz Bulk Sales
- Spam,
Ulric Eriksson
- siag X binaries linked with ncurses ?,
- Re: Compiling siag with guile 1.3,
Ulric Eriksson
- Autoconf,
Ulric Eriksson
- Block>Block Style seems not to work.,
Joerg Schoeppe
- International keyboard,
Gerson Ribeiro Souto
- Compiling Siag on SGI O2 IRIX6.3,
Emmanuel Dumas
- 3.1 is out, and: What's going on?,
Ulric Eriksson
- Ksiag: color of block section,
Joerg Schoeppe
- International keyboard - dead keys,
Gerson Ribeiro Souto
- Non-member submission from [Hubert Feyrer<>],
Ulric Eriksson
- Siag 3.1.1,
Ulric Eriksson
- Non-member submission from [MartinWeinberg<>] (fwd),
Ulric Eriksson
- Landscape-printing?,
Theis P. Hansen
- Re: Siag - a question ...,
Ulric Eriksson
- Siag 3.1.2,
Ulric Eriksson
- Siag 3.1.3,
Ulric Eriksson
- compile error,
Davide Barbieri
- Re: siag compilation help, plaes.,
Ulric Eriksson
- Non-member submission from [Willian Sanchez<>] (fwd),
Ulric Eriksson
- A bug I've found...,
Rodrigo Alfonso Guzmán
- Siag Office 3.1.4 released with language support,
Ulric Eriksson
- More press coverage,
Ulric Eriksson
- Problem with linking Siag 3.1.5,
Juha 'Jippo' Pohjalainen
- PW - Wordprocessor,
andreas rickert
- Python support,
Ulric Eriksson
- Siag Office 3.1.6 released,
Ulric Eriksson
- row/column change,
- Compile on Solaris,
Clay Spence
- Long live tsiag!,
- Changing styles in blocks (pw),
- The usual newbie help question,
Howard Arons
- tsiag news,
- end-of-buffer in Guile,
Marcus G. Daniels
- Different fonts in pw,
- new install: 2 out of 3 ain't bad, but I want spreadsheet,
Mitchell Maltenfort
- Non-member submission from [Jim Binder <>] (fwd),
Ulric Eriksson
- Siag Office 3.1.7 released,
Ulric Eriksson
- python examples?,
Roman Milner
- Ksiag,
Ulric Eriksson
- Non-member submission from ["Sheldon F. Oppenheim"<>] (fwd),
Ulric Eriksson
- Siag: Using TAB as separator in CSV format.,
Stephen Eglen
- Support for t1lib in Siag,
Ulric Eriksson
- Siag Office 3.1.8 released,
Ulric Eriksson
- Is there an easy way to enter dates?,
Stan Brown
- Siag Office 3.1.9 released,
Ulric Eriksson
- Siag Office 3.1.10 released,
Ulric Eriksson
- And now, 3.1.11,
Ulric Eriksson
- 3.1.11 compile error,
- wp,
Dana Booth
<Possible follow-up(s)>
- Re: wp,
Dana Booth
- Re[2]: siag,
Dana Booth
<Possible follow-up(s)>
- siag,
Michael Richardson
- siag,
Dana Booth
- Danish support,
Ulric Eriksson
- Xaw95??,
Birger Langkjer
- 3.1.12 is imminent,
Ulric Eriksson
- 3.1.12 and some questions.,
Alexey Kakunin
- Fatal IO error problem solved!,
Ulric Eriksson
- about Xaw3d-1.5,
Birger Langkjer
- siag on irix?,
Dan Stromberg
- image plugin and SuseLinux binaries,
- import graphics,
I.D. Chan
- Another weekend, another release, another toy,
Ulric Eriksson
- I can't accent,
Hildebrando Rosa Júnior
- slight problem starting up siag...,
Mario D'Angelo
- Problems building siag-3.1.13 on Solaris 2.6,
Johan Nyberg
- 3.1.14,
Ulric Eriksson
- 3.1.15,
Ulric Eriksson
- New release: 3.1.16,
Ulric Eriksson
- Re: bug in xcommon/TextField.c:293 (Siag 3.1.16),
Ulric Eriksson
- Re: Siag's app-defaults files,
Ulric Eriksson
- Re: another question: name of Pathetic Writer,
Ulric Eriksson
- Siag Office 3.1.17,
Ulric Eriksson
- 3.1.17 stuff,
Dana Booth
- Compilation-problems,
Theis P. Hansen
- 3.1.18,
Ulric Eriksson
- Bug in 3.1.18,
Ulric Eriksson
- PW - copying blocks,
Gerson Ribeiro Souto
- xfiler,
Dana Booth
- Solaris 2.5 problem with Keysyms,
Andrew Gilmore
- Further compile problems on Solaris 2.5/2.5.1,
Andrew Gilmore
- 3.1.20,
Ulric Eriksson
<Possible follow-up(s)>
- Re: 3.1.20,
Ulric Eriksson
- Further compile issues,
Andrew Gilmore
- if Guile and Tcl are optional. why include them?,
Mitchell Maltenfort
- Siag 3.1.21,
Ulric Eriksson
- defining variables,
- 3.1.21 problems on MkLinux,
Dennis Lee
- Importing Word docs,
Birger Langkjer
- PW: Backspace deletes very slowly.,
Birger Langkjer
- Getting started questions...,
Terry Mackintosh
- [ Bug#42974: xpw: pw segfaults on startup.],
Davide Barbieri
- Font errors.,
Mark Cote
- Error: ... has zero width and/or height.,
Bert Frederiks
- printing from siag,
- SIAG bug,
Johan Bengtsson
- PW bugs,
Johan Bengtsson
- Lesstif version of Siag in CVS,
Ulric Eriksson
- Re: Dumb question,
Ulric Eriksson
- Two problems with siag 3.1.22,
Davide Barbieri
- FW: cell format problem,
- Problem with SIAG fonts,
- AW: Problem with SIAG fonts,
Hanselmann, Friedrich
- hiding columns and area-avg,
Mark Perks
- test,
Aharon Schkolnik
- test - please ignore,
Aharon Schkolnik
- Converting string to date,
Aharon Schkolnik
- Re: Bug#49482: siag: won't start up,
Davide Barbieri
- tsiag,
- Re: compile: problem,
Ulric Eriksson
- Is this list active?,
Mike White
- Re: cell format problem still there,
Ulric Eriksson
- french newbie,
Jacques BON
- Siag Office 3.2.0 released,
Ulric Eriksson
- missing menus in 3.1.21 and 3.2.0,
Stuart Allie
- Little Contribution,
Steffen Sobiech
- Administrivia,
Ulric Eriksson
- 3.2.0 - Format/Directory menus non-working,
Marc D. Williams
- X error with siag 3.3.0,
- compile error: parse error in common.h,
Lucas Fisher
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