Ontario FRI data
This directory contains a small example of the use of the
SDB model with Ontario Forest Resource Inventory. See the
script 'fri.tcl' for detail.
Directory contents:
README This file
fri.tcl The script containing the model
fri.inv The inventory data
normal.yld Yield curves
site.xref A cross reference table to indicate how secondary
species perform in different working groups.
type.rul A lookup table to convert numeric working group type
codes to character labels.
succession.tcl A simple succession rule.
To try out this model start the SDB progran and enter 'source fri.tcl'.
This will load all of the datasets and define the relationships.
Potential improvements:
- Adding site index equations would provide for dynamic heights.
This would be a simple addition.
- Each species component could be given its own 'origin' field.
This would be a flexible way of describing multi-storied stands.
- The succession rules could be improved (although data is limiting).
- A simple wood supply model could be implemented. A 'minimize-volume-loss'
harvest rule could be implemented with a few future-volume rules
(see the timmins directory for an example of this), some sorting
rules, and a TCL loop to mark stands as harvested.