class Mld6igmpVif

A class for MLD6/IGMP-specific virtual interface. More...

Definition#include <mld6igmp_vif.hh>
InheritsProtoUnit (libproto) [public ], Vif (libxorp) [public ]
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Public Methods

Detailed Description

 Mld6igmpVif (Mld6igmpNode& mld6igmp_node, const Vif& vif)


Constructor for a given MLD6/IGMP node and a generic virtual interface.

mld6igmp_nodethe Mld6igmpNode this interface belongs to.
vifthe generic Vif interface that contains various information.

 ~Mld6igmpVif ()




int  start ()


Start MLD6/IGMP on a single virtual interface.

Returns: XORP_OK on success, otherwise XORP_ERROR.

Reimplemented from ProtoUnit.

int  stop ()


Stop MLD6/IGMP on a single virtual interface.

Returns: XORP_OK on success, otherwise XORP_ERROR.

Reimplemented from ProtoUnit.

int  mld6igmp_recv (const IPvX& src, const IPvX& dst, int ip_ttl, int ip_tos, bool router_alert_bool, buffer_t *buffer)


Receive a protocol message.

srcthe source address of the message.
dstthe destination address of the message.
ip_ttlthe IP TTL of the message. If it has a negative value it should be ignored.
ip_ttlthe IP TOS of the message. If it has a negative value, it should be ignored.
router_alert_boolif true, the IP Router Alert option in the IP packet was set (when applicable).
bufferthe data buffer with the received message.

Returns: XORP_OK on success, otherwise XORP_ERROR.

string  flags_string ()



Get the string with the flags about the vif status.

TODO: temporary here. Should go to the Vif class after the Vif class starts using the Proto class.

Returns: the C++ style string with the flags about the vif status (e.g., UP/DOWN/DISABLED, etc).

const IPvX&  querier_addr ()



Get the MLD/IGMP querier address.

Returns: the MLD/IGMP querier address.

void  set_querier_addr (const IPvX& v)


Set the MLD/IMGPquerier address.

vthe value of the MLD/IGMP querier address.

const list<MemberQuery *>&  members ()



Get the list with the multicast membership information (MemberQuery).

Returns: the list with the multicast membership information (MemberQuery).

bool  proto_is_ssm ()



Test if the protocol is Source-Specific Multicast (e.g., IGMPv3 or MLDv2).

Returns: true if the protocol is Source-Specific Multicast (e.g., IGMPv3 or MLDv2).

const Timer&  const_other_querier_timer ()



Get the timer to timeout the (other) MLD/IGMP querier.

Returns: a reference to the timer to timeout the (other) MLD/IGMP querier.

int  add_protocol (x_module_id module_id, const string& module_instance_name)


Add a protocol that needs to be notified about multicast membership changes.

Add a protocol to the list of entries that would be notified if there is membership change on a particular interface.

module_instance_namethe module instance name of the protocol to add.
module_idthe module ID (x_module_id) of the protocol to add.

Returns: XORP_OK on success, otherwise XORP_ERROR.

int  delete_protocol (x_module_id module_id, const string& module_instance_name)


Delete a protocol that needs to be notified about multicast membership changes.

Delete a protocol from the list of entries that would be notified if there is membership change on a particular interface.

module_instance_namethe module instance name of the protocol to delete.
module_idthe module ID (x_module_id) of the protocol to delete.

Returns: XORP_OK on success, otherwise XORP_ERROR.

Generated by: pavlin on on Mon Mar 10 19:34:54 2003, using kdoc 2.0a54+XORP.