Source: ../../bgp/main.hh
// -*- c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: t -*-
// Copyright (c) 2001-2003 International Computer Science Institute
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
// copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software")
// to deal in the Software without restriction, subject to the conditions
// listed in the XORP LICENSE file. These conditions include: you must
// preserve this copyright notice, and you cannot mention the copyright
// holders in advertising related to the Software without their permission.
// The Software is provided WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. This
// notice is a summary of the XORP LICENSE file; the license in that file is
// legally binding.
// $XORP: xorp/bgp/main.hh,v 1.14 2003/05/29 21:17:13 mjh Exp $
#ifndef __BGP_MAIN_HH__
#define __BGP_MAIN_HH__
#include "libxorp/eventloop.hh"
#include "libxorp/status_codes.h"
#include "libxipc/xrl_std_router.hh"
#include "socket.hh"
#include "packet.hh"
#include "peer.hh"
#include "peer_list.hh"
#include "plumbing.hh"
#include "iptuple.hh"
#include "path_attribute.hh"
#include "peer_handler.hh"
class XrlBgpTarget;
class BGPMain {
* Get the process status
ProcessStatus status(string& reason);
* Set the local configuration.
* @param as as number.
* @param id router id.
void local_config(const uint32_t& as, const IPv4& id);
* attach peer to peerlist
* @param p BGP peer.
void attach_peer(BGPPeer *p);
* detach peer from the peerlist.
* @param p BGP peer.
void detach_peer(BGPPeer *p);
* Find peer with this iptuple
* @param search iptuple.
* @return A pointer to a peer if one is found NULL otherwise.
BGPPeer *find_peer(const Iptuple& search);
* create a new peer and attach it to the peerlist.
* @param pd BGP peer data.
* @return true on success
bool create_peer(BGPPeerData *pd);
* delete peer tear down connection and remove for peerlist.
XrlBgpTarget xbt(bgp.get_router(), bgp);
* @param iptuple iptuple.
* @return true on success
bool delete_peer(const Iptuple& iptuple);
* enable peer
* @param iptuple iptuple.
* @return true on success
bool enable_peer(const Iptuple& iptuple);
* disable peer
* @param iptuple iptuple.
* @return true on success
bool disable_peer(const Iptuple& iptuple);
* Set next hop rewrite filter.
* @param iptuple iptuple.
* @param next_hop next hop value zero to clear filter.
* @return true on success
bool next_hop_rewrite_filter(const Iptuple& iptuple, const IPv4& next_hop);
bool get_peer_list_start(uint32_t& token);
bool get_peer_list_next(const uint32_t& token,
IPv4& local_ip,
uint32_t& local_port,
IPv4& peer_ip,
uint32_t& peer_port);
bool get_peer_id(const Iptuple& iptuple, IPv4& peer_id);
bool get_peer_status(const Iptuple& iptuple, uint32_t& peer_state,
uint32_t& admin_status);
bool get_peer_negotiated_version(const Iptuple& iptuple,
int32_t& neg_version);
bool get_peer_as(const Iptuple& iptuple, uint32_t& peer_as);
bool get_peer_msg_stats(const Iptuple& iptuple,
uint32_t& in_updates,
uint32_t& out_updates,
uint32_t& in_msgs,
uint32_t& out_msgs,
uint16_t& last_error,
uint32_t& in_update_elapsed);
bool get_peer_established_stats(const Iptuple& iptuple,
uint32_t& transitions,
uint32_t& established_time);
bool get_peer_timer_config(const Iptuple& iptuple,
uint32_t& retry_interval,
uint32_t& hold_time,
uint32_t& keep_alive,
uint32_t& hold_time_configured,
uint32_t& keep_alive_configured,
uint32_t& min_as_origination_interval,
uint32_t& min_route_adv_interval);
bool register_ribname(const string& name);
void main_loop();
* shutdown BGP cleanly
void terminate() { _exit_loop = true; }
int create_listener(const Iptuple& iptuple);
LocalData *get_local_data();
void start_server(const Iptuple& iptuple);
void stop_server(const Iptuple& iptuple);
* Stop listening for incoming connections.
void stop_all_servers();
* add route
* Typically called via XRL's to add static routes.
* @param origin the origin of the path information.
* @param asum an as number will eventually be a path.
* @param next_hop the border router that should be used as a
* detination for the nlri.
* @param nlri network level reachability information.
* @param success returns true if the route was sucessfully added.
bool add_route(const OriginType origin, const AsNum& as,
const IPv4& next_hop, const IPv4Net& nlri);
* delete route
* Typically called via XRL's to delete static routes.
* @param nlri network level reachability information.
* @param success returns true if the route was sucessfully added.
bool delete_route(const IPv4Net& nlri);
bool get_route_list_start4(uint32_t& token);
bool get_route_list_start6(uint32_t& token);
bool get_route_list_next4(
// Input values,
const uint32_t& token,
// Output values,
IPv4& peer_id,
IPv4Net& net,
uint32_t& origin,
vector<uint8_t>& aspath,
IPv4& nexthop,
int32_t& med,
int32_t& localpref,
int32_t& atomic_agg,
vector<uint8_t>& aggregator,
int32_t& calc_localpref,
vector<uint8_t>& attr_unknown,
bool& best);
bool get_route_list_next6(
// Input values,
const uint32_t& token,
// Output values,
IPv4& peer_id,
IPv6Net& net,
uint32_t& origin,
vector<uint8_t>& aspath,
IPv6& nexthop,
int32_t& med,
int32_t& localpref,
int32_t& atomic_agg,
vector<uint8_t>& aggregator,
int32_t& calc_localpref,
vector<uint8_t>& attr_unknown,
bool& best);
bool rib_client_route_info_changed4(
// Input values,
const IPv4& addr,
const uint32_t& prefix_len,
const IPv4& nexthop,
const uint32_t& metric);
bool rib_client_route_info_changed6(
// Input values,
const IPv6& addr,
const uint32_t& prefix_len,
const IPv6& nexthop,
const uint32_t& metric);
bool rib_client_route_info_invalid4(
// Input values,
const IPv4& addr,
const uint32_t& prefix_len);
bool rib_client_route_info_invalid6(
// Input values,
const IPv6& addr,
const uint32_t& prefix_len);
* set parameter
* Typically called via XRL's to set which parameters we support
* per peer.
* @param iptuple iptuple
* @param parameter we are setting for this peer.
bool set_parameter(
// Input values,
const Iptuple& iptuple,
const string& parameter);
* Originally inserted for testing. However, now used by all the
* "rib_client_route_info_*" methods.
BGPPlumbing *plumbing() const { return _plumbing; }
XrlStdRouter *get_router() { return _xrl_router; }
EventLoop& eventloop() { return _eventloop; }
XrlBgpTarget *get_xrl_target() { return _xrl_target; }
* Store the socket descriptor and iptuple together.
struct Server {
Server(int fd, Iptuple iptuple) : _serverfd(fd) {
Server(const Server& rhs) {
_serverfd = rhs._serverfd;
_tuples = rhs._tuples;
Server operator=(const Server& rhs) {
if (&rhs == this)
return *this;
_serverfd = rhs._serverfd;
_tuples = rhs._tuples;
return *this;
int _serverfd;
list <Iptuple> _tuples;
list<Server> _serverfds;
* Callback method called when a connection attempt is made.
void connect_attempt(int fd, SelectorMask m,
struct in_addr laddr, uint16_t lport);
template <class A>
void extract_attributes(// Input values,
const PathAttributeList<A>& attributes,
// Output values,
uint32_t& origin,
vector<uint8_t>& aspath,
A& nexthop,
int32_t& med,
int32_t& localpref,
int32_t& atomic_agg,
vector<uint8_t>& aggregator,
int32_t& calc_localpref,
vector<uint8_t>& attr_unknown);
bool _exit_loop;
BGPPeerList *_peerlist;
BGPPlumbing *_plumbing;
XrlBgpTarget *_xrl_target;
RibIpcHandler *_rib_ipc_handler;
LocalData _local_data;
XrlStdRouter *_xrl_router;
static EventLoop _eventloop;
#endif // __BGP_MAIN_HH__
Generated by: pavlin on on Mon Jun 9 13:23:59 2003, using kdoc 2.0a54+XORP. |