Generating this documentation

The XORP project uses a modified version of the KDE documentation tool kdoc tool to produce source code documentation.

The XORP kdoc includes a number of C++ grammar additions, adds some support for style sheets, and generates W3C 4.01 transitional compliant HTML. XORP's version of kdoc is available by CVS, using:

	$ cvs -d co other/kdoc

Follow the instructions in the kdoc README file to install the program.

Once kdoc is installed, and go to the top level of the XORP source code tree and type:

	$ cd docs/kdoc
	$ ./

The script manages the generation of source documentation from the source code using kdoc and generates this boilerplate. All of the configuration information for the documentation generation is contained within It should be relatively straightforward to add new targets by looking at the existing configuration towards the end of the script.

Generated by: @WHO@ on @WHERE@ at @WHEN@ by @WITH@.