FDASD(8) FDASD(8) NAME fdasd - partitioning tool. SYNOPSIS fdasd [-vh?sa] [-l volser] [-c conf_file] device DESCRIPTION fdasd writes a partition table to a DASD, in the form of a VTOC (volume table of contents) for usage with Linux for S/390 or zSeries. If fdasd detects a valid VOL1 volume label, it will use it, otherwise it asks to write a new one. WARNING: Careless usage of fdasd can result in LOSS OF DATA. OPTIONS -h or --help Print usage and exit. -? or --help Print usage and exit. -v or --version Print version number and exit. -s or --silent Suppresses messages in non-interactive mode. --verbose Gives some more messages than usual. -a or --auto Auto-create one partition using the whole disk in non-interactive mode. -l volser or --label volser Specify the volume serial number or volume identi fier to be written to disk in case fdasd detects an invalid volume label. volser is interpreted as ASCII string and is automatically converted to uppercase and then to EBCDIC. e.g. -l LNX001 The volser identifies by serial number the volume on which the partition resides or will reside. A volume serial number is 1 through 6 alphanumeric, national ($, #, @), or special characters; enclose a serial number that contains special characters, other than hyphens, in apostrophes. If the number is shorter than six characters, it is padded with trailing blanks. Do not code a volume serial number as SCRTCH, PRI VAT, or Lnnnnn (L with five numbers); these are used in OS/390 messages to ask the operator to mount a volume. Do not code a volume serial number as MIGRAT, which is used by the OS/390 Hierarchical Storage Manager DFSMShsm for migrated data sets. Omitting this parameter causes fdasd to ask for it in case it is needed. -c conf_file or --config conf_file This option enables you to create several parti tions, controlled by the plain text configuration file conf_file. Using this option fdasd automatically switches in non-interactive mode and creates all the partitions specified in conf_file. conf_file contains the following line for each par tition you want to create: [x,y] where x is the keyword first, for the first possi ble track on disk, or a track number. And y is either the keyword last, for the last possible track on disk, or also a track number. Following is an example of a config file, which enables you to create three partitions: [first,1000] [1001,2000] [2001,last] device This parameter specifies the device to be parti tioned: /dev/dasd/xxxx/device where xxxx is the four-letter devno (device num ber). In case your are not using the device file system, please specify: /dev/dasdx where x is one or more lowercase letter(s). BUGS None so far ;-) SEE ALSO "LINUX for S/390 Device Drivers and Installation Commands" at http://www10.software.ibm.com/developerworks/opensource/linux390/docu/l390dd08.pdf AUTHOR This man-page was written by Volker Sameske <sameske@de.ibm.com> Tue Jul 03 2001 FDASD(8)