Skeleton SD card image for the Raspberry Pi

This image is used by the Woof build system.

This file is the same as raspi-sd-4gb-skeleton-29jun2012.img, except that the second
partition is ext2 instead of ext4.

How I got image off a card:

# dd if=/dev/sdb of=raspi-sd-4gb-skeleton-ext2-03jul2012.img count=3769344 bs=1024

which is 3,859,808,256 bytes.
...this has just 0.5KB empty space after the swap partition.

The size is 3.5947BG, which should be small enough for even the cheatiest SD card manufacturers.

How to write image to an SD card

For the example of the card being /dev/sdb:

...make sure card is not mounted!...

# unxz --stdout raspi-sd-4gb-skeleton-ext2-03jul2012.img.xz | dd of=/dev/sdb
# sync

...always type "sync" afterward, before removing SD card.

Barry Kauler
03 July 2012