Packages changed:
  ceph ( ->
  cri-o (1.19.1 -> 1.20.2)
  fuse3 (3.10.2 -> 3.10.3)
  libksba (1.5.0 -> 1.5.1)
  libsolv (0.7.17 -> 0.7.19)

=== Details ===

==== ceph ====
Version update ( ->
Subpackages: ceph-common libcephfs2 librados2 librbd1 librgw2 python3-ceph-argparse python3-ceph-common python3-cephfs python3-rados python3-rbd python3-rgw

- Update to 16.2.0-91-g24bd0c4acf:
  + rebase on top of upstream pacific SHA1 4cbaf866034715d053e6259dcd5bd8e4e1d1e1ed
- Update to 16.2.0-31-g5922b2b9c1:
  + rebase on top of upstream v16.2.0 (first stable release in Pacific series)

==== cri-o ====
Version update (1.19.1 -> 1.20.2)
Subpackages: cri-o-kubeadm-criconfig

- Update to version 1.20.2:
  * bump to latest c/storage 1.24 branch
  * Remove check for CI env variable for release-notes and dependencies
  * fix lint
  * test: pin cri-tools to 1.20
  * bump to v1.20.2
  * Run GitHub actions on release branches
  * Pin gocapability to v0.0.0-20180916011248-d98352740cb2
  * [PATCH 9/9] add method comment
  * [PATCH 8/9] restore irqbalance config only on system restart
- Add vendor.tar.gz to avoid dependency downloads
- Add config-fix-tz.patch to fix crio validation error while building

==== fuse3 ====
Version update (3.10.2 -> 3.10.3)

- Update to release 3.10.3
  * Fix returning d_ino and d_type from readdir(3) in non-plus mode

==== krb5 ====

- do not own %sbindir, it comes from filesystem package

==== libksba ====
Version update (1.5.0 -> 1.5.1)

- libksba 1.5.1:
  * Support Brainpool curves specified by ECDomainParameters

==== libsolv ====
Version update (0.7.17 -> 0.7.19)

- fix rare segfault in resolve_jobrules() that could happen
  if new rules are learnt
- fix a couple of memory leaks in error cases
- fix error handling in solv_xfopen_fd()
- bump version to 0.7.19
- fixed regex code on win32
- fixed memory leak in choice rule generation
- repo_add_conda: add flag to skip v2 packages
- bump version to 0.7.18

==== shadow ====

- Do not require libeconf-devel on products without /usr/etc.
- Split login.defs configuration file into own sub-package, which
  allows to install util-linux or pam on small embedded/edge
  systems or container without the need to pull in the full shadow
- Amend patches/useradd-userkeleton.patch to also write into
  existing directories and prefer files from /etc
- Add patch useradd-userkeleton.patch to extend original C code
  of useradd to handle /usr/etc/skel (boo#1173321)
- Remove /usr/etc/skel support in useradd.local script