Packages changed:
  ceph ( ->
  etcd (3.4.15 -> 3.4.16)
  helm (3.5.2 -> 3.5.4)
  kubic-control (0.10.2 -> 0.11)
  libidn2 (2.3.0 -> 2.3.1)
  vim (8.2.2800 -> 8.2.2850)

=== Details ===

==== ceph ====
Version update ( ->
Subpackages: ceph-common libcephfs2 librados2 librbd1 librgw2 python3-ceph-argparse python3-ceph-common python3-cephfs python3-rados python3-rbd python3-rgw

- Update to 16.2.4-26-g555d38aa5a5:
  + rebased on top of v16.2.4 tag
  * mgr/dashboard: fix base-href: revert it to previous approach
  * (bsc#1186021) mgr/dashboard: fix cookie injection issue (CVE-2021-3509)
  * mgr/dashboard: fix set-ssl-certificate{,-key} commands
  * (bsc#1186020) rgw: RGWSwiftWebsiteHandler::is_web_dir checks empty subdir_name (CVE-2021-3531)
  * (bsc#1185619) rgw: sanitize \r in s3 CORSConfiguration?s ExposeHeader (CVE-2021-3524)
  * systemd: remove ProtectClock=true for ceph-osd@.service

==== cilium ====

- Add cilium-no-ineffassign-in-root.patch: Do not run ineffassign
  in the source root, where no go files exist.
- Set GO111MODULE=auto to build with go1.16+
  * Default changed to GO111MODULE=on in go1.16
  * Set temporarily until using upstream release with go.mod
  * Add BuildRequires: golang(API) >= 1.13 recommended dependency expression

==== cni ====

- use buildmode=pie (cnitool is installed into sbindir)
- Set GO111MODULE=auto to build with go1.16+
  * Default changed to GO111MODULE=on in go1.16
  * Set temporarily until using upstream release with go.mod
  * Drop BuildRequires: golang-packaging not currently using macros
  * Add BuildRequires: golang(API) >= 1.13 recommended dependency expression

==== etcd ====
Version update (3.4.15 -> 3.4.16)

- Update to version 3.4.16:
  * version: 3.4.16
  * Backport-3.4 exclude alarms from health check conditionally
  * etcdserver/mvcc: update trace.Step condition
  * Backport-3.4 etcdserver/util.go: reduce memory when logging range requests
  * .travis,Makefile,functional: Bump go 1.12 version to v1.12.17
  * integration: Fix 'go test --tags cluster_proxy --timeout=30m -v ./integration/...'
  * pkg/tlsutil: Adjust cipher suites for go 1.12
  * Fix pkg/tlsutil (test) to not fail on 386.
  * bill-of-materials.json: Update
  * .travis,test: Turn race off in Travis for go version 1.15
  * integration : fix TestTLSClientCipherSuitesMismatch in go1.13
  * vendor: Run go mod vendor
  * go.mod,go.sum: Bump that includes patch
  * go.mod,go.sum: Comply with go v1.15
  * etcdserver,wal: Convert int to string using rune()
  * integration,raft,tests: Comply with go v1.15 gofmt
  * .travis.yml: Test with go v1.15.11
  * pkpkg/testutil/leak.go: Allowlist created by testing.runTests.func1
  * vendor: Run go mod vendor
  * go.sum, go.mod: Run go mod tidy with go 1.12
  * go.mod: Pin go to 1.12 version
  * etcdserver: fix incorrect metrics generated when clients cancel watches
  * integration: relax leader timeout from 3s to 4s
  * etcdserver: when using --unsafe-no-fsync write data
  * server: Added config parameter experimental-warning-apply-duration
  * etcdserver: Fix PeerURL validation

==== flannel ====

- Sync manifest with upstream (0.13.0 release). Includes the
  following changes:
  * Fix typo and invalid indent in kube-flannel.yml
  * Use stable os and arch label for node
  * set priorityClassName to system-node-critical
  * Add NET_RAW capability to support cri-o
  * Use multi-arch Docker images in the Kubernetes manifest
- Set GO111MODULE=auto to build with go1.16+
  * Default changed to GO111MODULE=on in go1.16
  * Set temporarily until using upstream version with go.mod

==== gnutls ====

- Compute the FIPS hmac file without re-defining the
  __os_install_post macro, use the brp-50-generate-fips-hmac
  script instead. [bsc#1184555]
- Require the main package in devel and lib packages as the default
  priorities are now set via crypto-policies. [bsc#1183082]

==== helm ====
Version update (3.5.2 -> 3.5.4)

- Update to version 3.5.4:
  * Add/update deprecation notices
  * Wrap validation error instead of recreating
  * Move default to avoid nil check
  * Add name validation rules for object kinds
  * Use kube libraries v0.20.4
- Update to version 3.5.3:
  * Fix the example for --time-format flag
  * Improve the console output for resource policy keep to align with helm2.
  * test(pkg/storage): Verify that storage.Create returns an error if it fails to clean up least-recent release versions
  * fix(pkg/storage): If storage.Create fails to clean up recent release versions, return an error
  * fix(test): Increase golangci-lint timeout
  * fix release sha256
  * Fix-9253: Change the deprecated charts repo URL in release notes
  * Update default ingress values section to correspond with template
  * use kube libraries v0.20.2

==== kubic-control ====
Version update (0.10.2 -> 0.11)
Subpackages: kubic-haproxycfg kubicctl kubicd

- Update to version 0.11
  - workaround for go 1.15 certificate handling changes, all
    certificates should be re-generated with kubicctl 0.11
  - adjust for kubeadm removed upgrade node arguments

==== libidn2 ====
Version update (2.3.0 -> 2.3.1)

- libidn2 2.3.1:
  * Implement full roundtrip for lookup functionality
  * Fix domain too long error
  * Updated gnulib files and various build fixes

==== snapper ====
Subpackages: libsnapper5

- fixed systemd sandboxing (bsc#1186095)

==== vim ====
Version update (8.2.2800 -> 8.2.2850)
Subpackages: vim-data-common vim-small

- Updated to version 8.2.2850, fixes the following problems
  * After a timer displays text a hit-enter prompt is given.
  * Free Pascal makefile not recognized.
  * Vim9: illegal memory access.
  * Flicker when the popup menu has an info popup.
  * Setting buffer local mapping with mapset() changes global mapping.
  * Vim9: cannot use legacy syntax in Vim9 script.
  * Vim9: using "++nr" as a command might not work.
  * Build fails with tiny features.
  * Vim9: increment and decrement not sufficiently tested.
  * Vim9: :def function compilation fails when using :legacy.
  * Vim9: crash when calling a function in a substitute expression.
  * Vim9: error for missing white space doesn't say where it is missing
  * Vim9: still crash when using substitute expression.
  * Cannot grep using fuzzy matching.
  * Vim9: unused variable. (John Marriott)
  * Status line flickers when redrawing popup menu info.
  * Vim9: comment below expression in lambda causes problems.
  * Vim9: script sourcing continues after an error.
  * No jump added to jumplist when opening terminal in current window.
  * Finishing an abbreviation with a multi-byte char may not work.
  * Session file may divide by zero.
  * Code in checkreadonly() not fully tested.
  * Compiler warnings for int to size_t conversion. (Randall W. Morris)
  * Test file was not deleted.
  * Coverity complains about not checking the rename() return value.
  * Some comments are not correct or clear.
  * Terminal colors are not updated when 'background' is set.
  * Vim9: expandcmd() not tested.
  * Operator cancelled by moving mouse when using popup. (Sergey Vlasov)
  * Two key command cancelled by moving mouse when using popup. (Sergey Vlasov)
  * Vim9: :cexpr does not work with local variables.
  * Vim9: leaking memory in :cexpr.
  * Build failure without the +quickfix feature. (John Marriott)
  * Various code lines not covered by tests.
  * File extension .wrap not recognized.
  * Default redirection missing "ash" and "dash".
  * Vim9: member operation not fully tested.
  * Vim9: skip argument to searchpair() is not compiled.
  * Vim9: skip argument to searchpairpos() is not compiled.
  * Vim9: memory leak when using searchpair().
  * Vim9: "echo Func()" does not give an error for a function without a
  return value.
  * Perl not tested sufficiently.
  * Crash when calling partial.
  * Bufwrite not sufficiently tested.
  * Recalling commands from history is not tested.