~ftp/x500/wax500/README: WaX.500 Microsoft Windows X.500 client/DUA
notes for version 1.03

  "Windows acess to X.500"
  WaX500 is an X.500 client (DUA or Directory User Agent) that runs
  under Microsoft Windows and allows you to query various entries in the
  X.500 directory.  Currently you can look up people, groups, joinable
  groups, organizations, Documents, and %arbitrary filter%s.

  This version (1.03) allows you to READ only.
  Future versions will allow addition of groups, modifications of
  entries, etc.  See also "*Change History" section

  My suggestion for this release is to make a WAX500 directory and
  put all these Wax500 things in that directory.  The easiest way to do
  this is to move the WaXR103.exe file to your Wax500 directory and run
  WaXR103.exe. WaXR103.exe is a self extracting ZIP file.  It will
  unpack all the files named below.  

  I haven't done anything fancy for installation yet, and if you leave
  it all in one directory, you can remove it all easily.  It will create
  Wax500.ini in you windows directory.

  If you want to make a program manager icon so you can execute this
  from windows, you should make the working directory Wax500 (or
  whatever directory you installed this in).

*Files and Directories (d)

  WaXR103.exe				self extracting zip file
  WaXR103.zip				pkzip file containing all files below
  README	 			this file
  WaX500.exe				executable windows program
  libldap.dll				ldap routines
  disptmpl.dll				display template routines
  srchpref.cfg				config file, what you can search for
  ldfilter.cfg				config file, ldap filter configuration
  disptmpl.cfg				config file, how to display things
  ldfriend.cfg				config file, map to friendly names

*Mailing Lists

  To receive announcements of new releases and such things:
    if you can join (which you can't yet do from WaX500)
      join wax500.announce@umich.edu
    if you want to join, but can't, send email to 

  To report bugs in waX.500, send e-mail to:

  If you are interested in beta testing new versions of waX.500 or otherwise
  contributing to the development of waX.500, send e-mail to:

*Change History
   9Aug94 - version 1.03
	Lottsa new features.  
	o There's a browser, so you can browse through the X.500 directories 
	  of the world and see what's there.  
	o You can copy any information from the result window to the clipboard.
	o There's a Preferences screen that will allow you to change some of
	  the values stored in your Wax500.INI file.
	o You can use the browser to change the searchbase used by the finder.
	o You can display anything you can see in the browser.
	o There is extensive, context sensitive, help available.

*Non-UM sites
  The libldap.dll distributed above requires the 3.1beta version of
  the ldap server.  You will find this server on terminator.rs.itd.umich.edu in 
  The indication that you have too old a server is that WaX500 will fail
  to bind to your server and if you look at the server end says, it
  can't parse the bind request.

  I don't think it's safe to use a copy of libldap.dll from another implementation 
  since the underlying data structures have changed.  We tried to make an older version
  of libldap available, but this would have required a different copy of WaX500 that used
  the older datastructures as well ... we decided not to do this.

  The default behaviour of WaX500 is to connect to the server machine 
  ldap.itd.umich.edu as 
  "cn=wax500, ou=Miscellaneous Servers, o=University of Michigan, c=US"
  with a the searchBase set to "o=University of Michigan, c=US".

  If you are not affiliated with the University of Michigan, and want
  to change these defaults.  
  1) run WaX500 once to create the default ini file.
  2) exit WaX500
  3) edit \windows\wax500.ini 
  4) in the [Configuration] section, change "LDAPBindAs=" to whatever
     you want (it's up to you to make sure what you put here will work).
  5) in the [Current] section, change "SearchBase=" and/or "LDAPServer="
     to whatever you want (again it's up to you to make sure what you put 
     here will work).
  6) You can also change the LDAPServer on the fly from the preferences
     screen of WaX500.
  7) I also suggest you NOT change the [Defaults] section, at least until
     you are sure the changes you made to the [Current] section work.  You
     can always revert to the [Defaults] values in the preferences screen
     by hitting the "Restore Defaults" button.  Or if worse comes to worse,
     delete the ini file and WaX500 will recreate it.

*Updated: README updated 11 Aug 1994 by sgr