Letter S
Packages beginning with letter "S".
- saxon - Java XSLT processor
- saxon-aelfred - Java XML parser
- saxon-demo - Demos for saxon
- saxon-fop - FOP support for saxon
- saxon-javadoc - Javadoc for saxon
- saxon-jdom - JDOM support for saxon
- saxon-manual - Manual for saxon
- saxon-scripts - Utility scripts for saxon
- saxon7 - Java XSLT processor
- saxon7-demo - Demos for saxon7
- saxon7-javadoc - Javadoc for saxon7
- saxon7-jdom - JDOM support for saxon7
- saxon7-manual - Manual for saxon7
- saxon7-scripts - Utility scripts for saxon7
- saxon7-sql - SQL support for saxon7
- saxon8 - Java Basic XPath 2.0, XSLT 2.0, and XQuery 1.0 implementation
- saxon8-demo - Demos for saxon8
- saxon8-dom - DOM support for saxon8
- saxon8-javadoc - Javadoc for saxon8
- saxon8-jdom - JDOM support for saxon8
- saxon8-manual - Manual for saxon8
- saxon8-scripts - Utility scripts for saxon8
- saxon8-sql - SQL support for saxon8
- saxon8-xom - XOM support for saxon8
- saxon8-xpath - XPATH support for saxon8
- servletapi4 - Java servlet and JSP implementation classes
- servletapi4-javadoc - Javadoc for servletapi4
- sf-aptdoc-maven-plugin - Aptconvert Maven Plugin hosted at sf.net
- sf-axis-maven-plugin - Axis Maven Plugin hosted at sf.net
- sf-cobertura-maven-plugin - Cobertura Maven Plugin hosted at sf.net
- sf-dbunit-maven-plugin - DBUnit Maven Plugin hosted at sf.net
- sf-deb-maven-plugin - DEB Maven Plugin hosted at sf.net
- sf-files-maven-plugin - Files Maven Plugin hosted at sf.net
- sf-findbugs-maven-plugin - Findbugs Maven Plugin hosted at sf.net
- sf-flash-maven-plugin - Flash Maven Plugin hosted at sf.net
- sf-help-maven-plugin - Help Maven Plugin hosted at sf.net
- sf-izpack-maven-plugin - IZPack Maven Plugin hosted at sf.net
- sf-javaapp-maven-plugin - Java App Maven Plugin hosted at sf.net
- sf-javancss-maven-plugin - Java NCSS Maven Plugin hosted at sf.net
- sf-junitpp-maven-plugin - JUnitpp Maven Plugin hosted at sf.net
- sf-maven-plugins - Maven Plugins hosted at sf.net
- sf-maven-plugins-javadoc - Javadoc for sf-maven-plugins
- sf-maven-plugins-manual - Documents for sf-maven-plugins
- sf-news-maven-plugin - News Maven Plugin hosted at sf.net
- sf-rpm-maven-plugin - RPM Maven Plugin hosted at sf.net
- sf-runtime-builder-maven-plugin - Runtime Builder Maven Plugin hosted at sf.net
- sf-sdocbook-maven-plugin - SDocbook Maven Plugin hosted at sf.net
- sf-springgraph-maven-plugin - Springgraph Maven Plugin hosted at sf.net
- sf-tasks-maven-plugin - Tasks Maven Plugin hosted at sf.net
- sf-uberdist-maven-plugin - Uberdist Maven Plugin hosted at sf.net
- sf-vignette-maven-plugin - Vignette Maven Plugin hosted at sf.net
- sf-was40-maven-plugin - WAS40 Maven Plugin hosted at sf.net
- sf-was5-maven-plugin - WAS5 Maven Plugin hosted at sf.net
- sf-webtest-maven-plugin - WebTest Maven Plugin hosted at sf.net
- sf-word2html-maven-plugin - Word2html Maven Plugin hosted at sf.net
- sf-xmlresume-maven-plugin - XMLResume Maven Plugin hosted at sf.net
- sitemesh - A web-page layout and decoration framework
- sitemesh-javadoc - Javadoc for sitemesh
- sitemesh-manual - Documents for sitemesh
- slf4j - Simple Logging Facade for Java
- slf4j-javadoc - Javadoc for slf4j
- slf4j-manual - Documents for slf4j
- smack - Open Source XMPP (Jabber) client library
- smack-javadoc - Javadoc for smack
- smack-manual - Documents for smack
- snmptrapappender - SNMP Trap Appender extension for log4j
- snmptrapappender-javadoc - Javadoc for snmptrapappender
- spice - SPICE component repository
- spice-cop - SPICE component repository
- spice-cop-javadoc - Javadoc for spice-cop
- spice-javadoc - Javadoc for spice
- spring - Spring J2EE Framework
- spring-all - Spring all except mocks
- spring-aop - Spring aop
- spring-beans - Spring beans
- spring-context - Spring context
- spring-core - Spring core
- spring-dao - Spring dao
- spring-demo - Samples for spring
- spring-hibernate - Spring hibernate
- spring-javadoc - Javadoc for spring
- spring-jdbc - Spring jdbc
- spring-manual - Documents for spring
- spring-mock - Spring mock
- spring-orm - Spring orm
- spring-remoting - Spring remoting
- spring-support - Spring support
- spring-web - Spring web
- spring-webmvc - Spring webmvc
- stax-utils - STAX Utilities
- stax-utils-javadoc - Javadoc for stax-utils
- stax-utils-manual - Documents for stax-utils
- struts - Web application framework
- struts-chain - The struts Chain Of Responsibility Adapter
- struts-chain-javadoc - Javadoc for struts-chain
- struts-chain-webapps-tomcat5 - Sample struts chain adapter webapps for tomcat5
- struts-el - The struts EL extension
- struts-el-javadoc - Javadoc for struts-el
- struts-el-webapps-tomcat5 - Sample struts EL extension webapps for tomcat5
- struts-faces - The struts-faces integration library
- struts-faces-javadoc - Javadoc for struts-faces
- struts-faces-webapps-tomcat5 - Sample struts-faces integration webapps for tomcat5
- struts-javadoc - Javadoc for struts
- struts-manual - Manual for struts
- struts-webapps-tomcat3 - Sample struts webapps for tomcat3
- struts-webapps-tomcat4 - Sample struts webapps for tomcat4
- struts-webapps-tomcat5 - Sample struts webapps for tomcat5
- strutstestcase - StrutsTestCase for JUnit
- strutstestcase-javadoc - Javadoc for strutstestcase
- sun-fi - Fast Infoset
- sun-fi-javadoc - Javadoc for sun-fi
- sun-jaf - JavaBeans Activation Framework
- sun-jaf-javadoc - Javadoc for sun-jaf
- sun-mail - JavaMail library
- sun-mail-javadoc - Javadoc for sun-mail
- sun-saaj-1.3-api - SAAJ API 1.3
- sun-saaj-1.3-api-javadoc - Javadoc for sun-saaj-1.3-api
- sun-stax-1.0-api - Streaming API for XML (StAX) 1.0 API
- sun-stax-1.0-api-javadoc - Javadoc for sun-stax-1.0-api
- swarmcache - Cluster-aware Caching for Java
- swarmcache-javadoc - Javadoc for swarmcache
- swarmcache-manual - Documents for swarmcache
- swixml - SwiXml GUI generating engine
- swixml-demo - Samples for swixml
- swixml-javadoc - Javadoc for swixml
- swixml-manual - Documents for swixml