

GnomeAbout -- Simple way to provide an About box for your application.


#include <gnome.h>

struct      GnomeAbout;
GtkWidget*  gnome_about_new                 (const gchar *title,
                                             const gchar *version,
                                             const gchar *copyright,
                                             const gchar **authors,
                                             const gchar *comments,
                                             const gchar *logo);
void        gnome_about_construct           (GnomeAbout *about,
                                             const gchar *title,
                                             const gchar *version,
                                             const gchar *copyright,
                                             const gchar **authors,
                                             const gchar *comments,
                                             const gchar *logo);

Object Hierarchy



A standard way of providing a small about box for your application. You provide the name of your application, version, copyright, a list of authors and some comments about your application. It also allows the programmer to provide a logo to be displayed.

The following is a simple example of its use, note that the descriptive text is surrounded by the _(). This will have the text translated to the the user's language at runtime.

const gchar *authors[] = {
   "Wanda the sexy fish",
gtk_widget_show (gnome_about_new ("Gnome Wizit", VERSION,
                 "Copyright 1999 Gnome Programming Inc.",
                  (const gchar **) authors,
                 _("The gnome wizit is the most fabulous thing ever "
                   "written for the GNOME desktop environment. You must "
                   "use this everyday."),


struct GnomeAbout

struct GnomeAbout;

gnome_about_new ()

GtkWidget*  gnome_about_new                 (const gchar *title,
                                             const gchar *version,
                                             const gchar *copyright,
                                             const gchar **authors,
                                             const gchar *comments,
                                             const gchar *logo);

Creates a new GNOME About dialog. title, version, copyright, and authors are displayed first, in that order. comments is typically the location for multiple lines of text, if necessary. (Separate with "\n".) logo is the filename of a optional pixmap to be displayed in the dialog, typically a product or company logo of some sort; set to NULL if no logo file is available.

title : Name of app.
version : version number
copyright : copyright string
authors : NULL terminated list of authors
comments : Other comments
logo : a logo pixmap file.
Returns :&GtkWidget pointer to new dialog

gnome_about_construct ()

void        gnome_about_construct           (GnomeAbout *about,
                                             const gchar *title,
                                             const gchar *version,
                                             const gchar *copyright,
                                             const gchar **authors,
                                             const gchar *comments,
                                             const gchar *logo);

Constructs a new GNOME About dialog, given an object about newly created via the Gtk type system. title, version, copyright, and authors are displayed first, in that order. comments is typically the location for multiple lines of text, if necessary. (Separate with "\n".) logo is the filename of a optional pixmap to be displayed in the dialog, typically a product or company logo of some sort; set to NULL if no logo file is available.

Note: Only for use by bindings to languages other than C; don't use in applications.

about : Pointer to new GNOME about object
title : Name of app.
version : version number
copyright : copyright string
authors : NULL terminated list of authors
comments : Other comments
logo : a logo pixmap file.