int | rpmtsCheck (rpmts ts) |
| Perform dependency resolution on the transaction set. More...
int | rpmtsOrder (rpmts ts) |
| Determine package order in a transaction set according to dependencies. More...
int | rpmtsRun (rpmts ts, rpmps okProbs, rpmprobFilterFlags ignoreSet) |
| Process all package elements in a transaction set. More...
rpmts | rpmtsLink (rpmts ts) |
| Reference a transaction set instance. More...
int | rpmtsCloseDB (rpmts ts) |
| Close the database used by the transaction. More...
int | rpmtsOpenDB (rpmts ts, int dbmode) |
| Open the database used by the transaction. More...
int | rpmtsInitDB (rpmts ts, int dbmode) |
| Initialize the database used by the transaction. More...
int | rpmtsGetDBMode (rpmts ts) |
| Return the transaction database mode. More...
int | rpmtsSetDBMode (rpmts ts, int dbmode) |
| Set the transaction database mode. More...
int | rpmtsRebuildDB (rpmts ts) |
| Rebuild the database used by the transaction. More...
int | rpmtsVerifyDB (rpmts ts) |
| Verify the database used by the transaction. More...
rpmdbMatchIterator | rpmtsInitIterator (const rpmts ts, rpmDbiTagVal rpmtag, const void *keyp, size_t keylen) |
| Return transaction database iterator. More...
rpmRC | rpmtsImportPubkey (rpmts ts, const unsigned char *pkt, size_t pktlen) |
| Import public key packet(s). More...
rpmKeyring | rpmtsGetKeyring (rpmts ts, int autoload) |
| Retrieve handle for keyring used for this transaction set. More...
int | rpmtsSetKeyring (rpmts ts, rpmKeyring keyring) |
| Set keyring to use for this transaction set. More...
int | rpmtsSetSolveCallback (rpmts ts, int(*solve)(rpmts ts, rpmds ds, const void *data), const void *solveData) |
| Set dependency solver callback. More...
rpmps | rpmtsProblems (rpmts ts) |
| Return current transaction set problems. More...
void | rpmtsCleanProblems (rpmts ts) |
| Clean current transaction problem set. More...
void | rpmtsClean (rpmts ts) |
| Free memory needed only for dependency checks and ordering. More...
void | rpmtsEmpty (rpmts ts) |
| Re-create an empty transaction set. More...
rpmts | rpmtsFree (rpmts ts) |
| Destroy transaction set, closing the database as well. More...
rpmVSFlags | rpmtsVSFlags (rpmts ts) |
| Get verify signatures flag(s). More...
rpmVSFlags | rpmtsSetVSFlags (rpmts ts, rpmVSFlags vsflags) |
| Set verify signatures flag(s). More...
const char * | rpmtsRootDir (rpmts ts) |
| Get transaction rootDir, i.e. More...
int | rpmtsSetRootDir (rpmts ts, const char *rootDir) |
| Set transaction rootDir, i.e. More...
FD_t | rpmtsScriptFd (rpmts ts) |
| Get transaction script file handle, i.e. More...
void | rpmtsSetScriptFd (rpmts ts, FD_t scriptFd) |
| Set transaction script file handle, i.e. More...
rpm_tid_t | rpmtsGetTid (rpmts ts) |
| Get transaction id, i.e. More...
rpm_tid_t | rpmtsSetTid (rpmts ts, rpm_tid_t tid) |
| Set transaction id, i.e. More...
rpmdb | rpmtsGetRdb (rpmts ts) |
| Get transaction set database handle. More...
void * | rpmtsNotify (rpmts ts, rpmte te, rpmCallbackType what, rpm_loff_t amount, rpm_loff_t total) |
| Perform transaction progress notify callback. More...
int | rpmtsNElements (rpmts ts) |
| Return number of (ordered) transaction set elements. More...
rpmte | rpmtsElement (rpmts ts, int ix) |
| Return (ordered) transaction set element. More...
rpmprobFilterFlags | rpmtsFilterFlags (rpmts ts) |
| Get problem ignore bit mask, i.e. More...
rpmtransFlags | rpmtsFlags (rpmts ts) |
| Get transaction flags, i.e. More...
rpmtransFlags | rpmtsSetFlags (rpmts ts, rpmtransFlags transFlags) |
| Set transaction flags, i.e. More...
rpm_color_t | rpmtsColor (rpmts ts) |
| Retrieve color bits of transaction set. More...
rpm_color_t | rpmtsPrefColor (rpmts ts) |
| Retrieve preferred file color. More...
rpm_color_t | rpmtsSetColor (rpmts ts, rpm_color_t color) |
| Set color bits of transaction set. More...
rpm_color_t | rpmtsSetPrefColor (rpmts ts, rpm_color_t color) |
| Set preferred file color. More...
rpmop | rpmtsOp (rpmts ts, rpmtsOpX opx) |
| Retrieve operation timestamp from a transaction set. More...
rpmPlugins | rpmtsPlugins (rpmts ts) |
| Get the plugins associated with a transaction set. More...
int | rpmtsSetNotifyCallback (rpmts ts, rpmCallbackFunction notify, rpmCallbackData notifyData) |
| Set transaction notify callback function and argument. More...
rpmts | rpmtsCreate (void) |
| Create an empty transaction set. More...
int | rpmtsAddInstallElement (rpmts ts, Header h, const fnpyKey key, int upgrade, rpmRelocation *relocs) |
| Add package to be installed to transaction set. More...
int | rpmtsAddEraseElement (rpmts ts, Header h, int dboffset) |
| Add package to be erased to transaction set. More...
rpmtsi | rpmtsiFree (rpmtsi tsi) |
| Destroy transaction element iterator. More...
rpmtsi | rpmtsiInit (rpmts ts) |
| Create transaction element iterator. More...
rpmte | rpmtsiNext (rpmtsi tsi, rpmElementTypes types) |
| Return next transaction element of type. More...